When it's Time to get a Coach.

As an artist and entrepreneur I've been coached many times.

My school would not exist if I hadn't worked with a coach.
My podcast would not exist if I hadn't worked with a coach.
My drawings would not be the most personal they've ever been, if I had not worked with a coach.

If you're feeling stuck, you might be asking yourself: Would I benefit from coaching?

In my experience, here's when coaching has the greatest impact:

1. When you need help understanding the false reward you get from staying stuck.

Some examples:

"I have so many different creative interests. I'll never be able to pursue them all so I won't do any of them."
False reward: I get to stay safe and avoid potentially disappointing myself.

"I'm so overwhelmed with this project that I'm exhausted. I have so much to do, I can't consider working another way."
False reward: By staying busy I get to feel like I'm in control. I get to distract myself from asking larger questions.

Coaching helps you locate the false reward and work through it.

2. When you need help building trust in your choices.
There's a lot of noise out there. Coaching helps you identify the models you want to follow (or build!) and discard the rest. Through accountability, coaching helps you take action.

3. When you need help generating focus.
You can't solve all of your "problems" at once. Coaching helps you figure out what to prioritize right now and where to put your focus.

4. When you need help considering a new pathway.
Often the questions we ask ourselves need to be re-shaped. A coach helps you re-frame the questions that are driving your creative life so that your answers to those questions are more empowering.

If you're reading this and thinking ... yea, that's where I'm at ... then our coaching program is for you.

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